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Are there differences in the quality of the values supplied by the APIs? Are the data origin, type of calculation and latencies the same everywhere?

All request types have the same data source. Therefore, none of the request types should be favoured. Please simply select the request that is best suited to your application.

I get an illogical or incorrect result from an API. What can I do?

Please send us the following information using the contact form:
Requested API / Request time / Expected result / Actual result

How do I get an account so that I can request an API key?

API keys can be created (and deleted) after registration in the Developer Dashboard. The key/token must be sent in the HTTP header as “Authorisation” for each request.

Why is the system not responding? Why are no more data being supplied? Has the system failed?

Any system failures can be checked at

What limits apply to data access for the various interfaces?

Information on this can be found on the Limits and costs page. Special terms of use apply to road traffic data from FEDRO.

What message do I get when the quota of my API key is exceeded?

An HTTP status 429 is returned and the response from the service is:

OJP TripRequest sometimes delivers “strange” routings in the LegProjections?

This is a known problem. The route suggestions are occasionally incorrect in urban transport (e.g. tram lines in Zurich). We are working on a solution, date open.

Intermediate stops can be used as a work-around in local transport (parameter IncludeIntermediateStops = True) and interpolated appropriately, e.g. with B-splines.

Other Topics

Why does the platform not deliver the shapes.txt file?

At the moment we do not have any lines in high enough quality for publication. As we use OpenStreetMap for our GIS, it is important – if the data should one day be available – to take the corresponding terms of use into account. In particular, the copyright must be indicated if the data is published in applications.

How is cross-border traffic covered in the data?

The HRDF file only includes public transport in Switzerland. International trains are (in most cases) terminated at the first commercial stop abroad. The reality is, of course, that they continue their journey. In some cases, the international journey ends at the last stop in Switzerland (e.g. Geneva) or includes 1-2 stops/operating points abroad.
The file for public transport in Switzerland also includes the network map for SBB GmbH in Germany. There are historical reasons for this.

What is the difference between real-time, forecast and actual data?

The terms are often used synonymously in different combinations.

  • Real-time data is data that is created and transmitted on an ad-hoc basis. It may comprise planning, forecast and/or actual data.
  • Forecast data refers to the data that is calculated based on the current situation, e.g. arrival and departure times at the next stop.
  • Actual data refers to data on when and where services actually ran. This information is rarely available in real time and can usually only be generated retrospectively.

Why are there problems with the character set when importing CSV files into Excel?

The CSV files are encoded as UTF-8. This can cause problems when “regularly” opening CSV files in Excel because Excel assumes a different character set.
The following procedure helps here: Create an empty table in Excel and then select Data / Retrieve external data / From text in the menu. After selecting the file, “Unicode (UTF-8)” can be entered in the next dialogue step under File origin.

GA and Halb-Tax travelcard data: Are there plans to publish this data on the basis of the municipalities?

The short answer is: No.
The long answer is:

Where can I find formation data?

Unfortunately, the formation is currently not “openly” available. The release of certain formation data is currently being clarified.