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OJP StopEventService


The StopEventService serves to construct a departure or arrival monitor.

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Element Cardinality Description Example
RequestTimestamp 1:1  Timestamp of the request. Preferably in UTC.
MessageIdentifier 0:1 The identifier of the message. Incrementally increasing numbers preferred.
ojp:Location/ojp:PlaceRef 0:1 It is best to use a StopPlaceRef. Location Name is ignored.
ojp:Location/ojp:DepArrTime 0:1 The time to be used. Preferably in UTC (with the Z).

“Z” is Zulu time (i.e. independent of time zones). With Z, it is essential that the seconds are also specified. If the format is not correct or there is no Z, the machine tries to interpret the time as local time.

 ojp:Location/ojp:TimeAllowance 0:1 As alternative to DepArrTime. The time still required to reach the location. xs:Duration.


 ojp:Location/ojp:IndividualTransportOptions 0:* Options to reach or leave the location. See section on IndividualTransportOptions under Trip Service

Permitted modes: walk, cycle, taxi, self-drive-car, others-drive-car, motorcycle, truck. At present, only walk and cycle are supported. The distances are in metres. The speed is relative to normal (=100%). For this mode, AdditionalTime is additional time.


ojp:/Params 0:1 The parameters


Element Cardinality Description Example
ojp:PtModeFilter 0:1 Filter by mode. The Exclude element indicates whether the modes are to be included or excluded.

1:* modes can be added.

See PtModeFilter under Trip Service

ojp:LineFilter 0:1 Filter by line. The Exclude element indicates whether the lines are to be included or excluded.

1:* Line can be added.

ojp:OperatorFilter Filter by operator. The Exclude element indicates whether the operators are to be included or excluded.

1:* OperatorRef can be added.


ojp:NumberOfResults  0:1 Quantity of results

ojp:StopEventType 0:1 Type of StopEvents:

  • arrival
  • departure
  • both
 ojp:IncludePreviousCalls 0:1 Show the previous stops for the individual trips as well?
ojp:IncludeOnwardCalls  0:1  Show the subsequent stops for the individual trips as well?
ojp:IncludeOperatingDays 0:1 Include operating day information for this Stopevent too?
ojp:IncludeRealtimeData 0:1 Use the real-time data to calculate the trip?


Please note that sometimes not only the relevant information for the selected stop is included but all the trip information. The answer is packed into an ojp:OJPStopEventDelivery.


Element Cardinality Description Example
siri:ResponseTimestamp 1:1 The timestamp of the response
siri:RequesteMessageRef 0:1 Reference to the request message
siri:Status 1:1 The status of the response; true means that the request has been processed.
ojp:CalcTime 1:1 The calculation time in milliseconds
ojp:StopEventResponseContext 1:1 Returns the reference information, such as the stops specified.

See separate table

ojp:StopEventResult 1:1 The actual results
ojp:StopEventResult/ojp:StopEventResultID 1:1 The ID of the result

ojp:StopEventResult/ojp:StopEvent 1:n The individual trips

See separate table


The context contains

  • Location(s)
  • Situation(s) not yet implemented
Element Cardinality Description Example
ojp:StopPlace 1:1
ojp:StopPlace/ojp:StopPlaceRef 1:1 The reference to the stop. This is currently the DiDok number. However, it could also be the NeTEx ID of a StopPlace or, in future, a Swiss Location ID (SLOID). For now, there are close links between the three references.
ojp:StopPlace/ojp:StopPlaceName 1:1 The name of the stop. There is currently no language for stops.
ojp:StopPlace/ojp:TopographicPlaceRef 1:1 This is a reference in the location tree.

Because the location tree is not published, this feature can only be used if it has been requested beforehand in a LocationInformationRequest.

ojp:StopPlace/ojp:LocationName 1:1 Name of the location

ojp:StopPlace/ojp:GeoPosition 1: WGS84 coordinates


Das StopEvent besteht aus:

  • The StopEvent consists of:
    • ojp:PreviousCall(s): If parameters were set
    • ojp:ThisCall: The currently selected stop
    • ojp:OnwardCall(s): Subsequent stops on the trip
    • ojp:Service: Information about the trip
Element Cardinality Description Example
 ojp:PreviousCall  0:* The PreviousCall element contains all the stops before the one that was requested.

All the information is contained in a CallAtStop. See relevant section

ojp:ThisCall 1:1 This is the stop to which the request refers.

All the information is contained in a CallAtStop. See relevant section

ojp:OnwardCall 0:* The OnwardCall element contains the stops after the current stop that was specified in the request.

All the information is contained in a CallAtStop. See relevant section

ojp:Service 1:1 The service returns the actual information about the entire trip.


Elment Cardinality Description Example
siri:StopPointRef 1:1  The stop number. This is currently the DiDok number. However, it could also be a NeTEx ID or a SLOID.

ojp:StopPointName 1:1 The name of the stop

ojp:PlannedQuay  0:1  The planned platform

ojp:EstimatedQuay 0:1  The actual platform, if available

ojp:ServiceArrival 0:1 The first stop has no arrival.

ojp:ServiceDeparture 0:1

ojp:Order 1:1 The sequence of the stops


ojp:RequestStop 0:1 Whether the vehicle journey calls at this stop only on demand. Boolean.

Planned for a future release

ojp:UnplannedStop 0:1 An unscheduled stop that had not been published in the timetable. Boolean.

Planned for a future release

ojp:NotServicedStop 0:1 The vehicle didn’t call at a planned stop.

ojp:SituationFullRef 0:1 This feature is not available. n/a


Element Cardinality Description Example
 1: The relevant operating day

ojp:JourneyRef  1:1  The ID of the trip.

siri:LineRef  1:1 The ID of the line:

siri:DirectionRef 1:1 The ID of the direction.

ojp:Mode 1:1 The transport mode.

The list of modes can be found at LocationInformationRequest

ojp:PublishedLineName 1:1  The published name of the list

ojp:OperatorRef 0:1 The reference to the operator.

ojp:Attribute 0:* Attributes are properties, mostly relating to trips. For example: low-floor bus, reservation required.

ojp:Mandatory is true if the attribute must be displayed to the user.

ojp:OrginStopPointRef  0:1 The Didok number of the starting point.

Please note: The ID will still change.

ojp:OriginText 0:1 The name of the departure stop.

ojp:DestinationStopPointRef 0:1 The DiDok number of the destination stop.

ojp:DestinationText 0:1 The name of the destination stop.

ojp:Unplanned 0:1 Whether the journey is an additional one that has not been planned. Boolean.

ojp:Cancelled 0:1 Whether the journey has been cancelled. Boolean.

ojp:Deviation 0:1 Whether the journey deviates from the scheduled journey. Boolean.

Planned for a future version.

ojp:BookingArrangements 0:1 This feature is not supported. n/a
ojp:ParticipantRef 1:1 Used to communicate disturbances or other extraordinary events.

Planned for a future version.

ojp:SituationNumber 1:1 Used to communicate disturbances or other extraordinary events.

Planned for a future version.


Special cases:

Car tunnelling trains

Large-volume profiles (on the BLS) can be recognised by the GF attribute: