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LocationInformationRequest (TRIAS 2020)

(TRIAS LocationInformationRequest)

Attention: Will be discontinued at the end of 2024. Start migrating to OJP 2.0 from mid-2024.

Technical description

Location Information Request

LocationInformationRequest returns the locations matching specified criteria. Common input data are the following:

  • text input
  • constraints on returned object types
  • geographic constraints or criteria
  • other constraints

The returned result consists of a list of objects with names, geographic positions, attributes, and probabilities.

If GeoPosition, Circle, or Rectangle is provided instead of LocationName, then only objects of type=”stop” are supported.
If GeoPosition and type=”address” (in addition to LocationName) is provided, then exactly one address (street and number) is returned.

Technical aspects

TRIAS LocationInformationRequest (LIR) mimicks the LIR of the OpenJourneyPlanners (OJP). Except for the higher layers and the element names that, in the case of the OJP, usually begin with “ojp:”.

For further information, please refer to the cookbook entry about the LIR of the OpenJourneyPlanners (OJP). There you’ll find the descriptions of each element and parameter. You may find it useful to try and further explore them in the API explorer for TRIAS below.

API Explorer

IMPORTANT: first select template (Location Information Request)

Authorisation and Open Services

An API keyword is required to access this API. It can be obtained via the Developer Portal. The token must also be sent in the HTTP header as “Authorization”.

Access URL


Test-Key: 57c5dbbbf1fe4d000100001842c323fa9ff44fbba0b9b925f0c052d1

With the Authorization header and Content type= “text/XML” or “application/XML”

Authorization header


Sample requests

Search by name:

Search using geographic coordinates:

Search stop(s) within some perimeter:


Further details and explanations can be found in the cookbok entry of the LIR of the OpenJourneyPlanners (OJP).