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(Beta) Business organisations with event data for inftrastructure

The list includes all infrastructure objects for which business organisations provide event data.

The event data is exchanged nationally in SIRI-SX/VDV736 format via the national data hub DDIP SKI and then converted into other services.

The event data for the infrastructure is published on the Swiss Mobility Open Data Platform via the following services:

Deviations and restrictions from the original format are listed in the respective cookbook.

Alternatively, event data can also be obtained directly from public transport partners via the national data hub DDIP SKI.

Technical description

The list contains all infrastructure objects for which business organisations submit event data to the national data hub DDIP SKI in SIRI-SX/VDV736 format.

To the data set: Business organisations with event data for inftrastructure

Technical aspects

The list consists of a CSV file.

Field name Description Example values
participantRef System identifier of the source system.

The value is transmitted in the ParticipantRef element.

sboidOwnerRef *Swiss Business Organisation ID of the business organisation that is the author of the event information.

The value is transmitted in the OwnerRef element.

sloid Swiss Location ID (SLOID) of the service centre.

Unique key for service centres in accordance with the Swiss ID for Public Transport specification, which is used in the customer information.

The value is transmitted in the StopPlaceRef element.

designationOfficial Official designation of a service point that must be used by all recipients.

The value can be transmitted in the PlaceName element.

facilityRef reference of the object.

The link to the corresponding object on the OpenStreetMap  can be derived from this.


If no OSM reference is available, the externalFacilityId is listed.

The value is transmitted in the FacilityRef element.
osmId Identifier. 12157691828
typeOfOsmObject type of object.

See for more information.

externalFacilityId External identifier of the data provider. anlagennummer:8767
wgs84East WGS 84 East of the object.

East coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95.

wgs84North WGS 84 North of the object.

North coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95.

DELFI_2095_ConnectionFunction_DE Designation of the access function in German. Zugang Burgdorfstrasse – Unterführung
DELFI_2095_ConnectionFunction_FR Designation of the access function in French. accès Burgdorfstrasse – passage souterrain
DELFI_2095_ConnectionFunction_IT Designation of the access function in Italen. accesso Burgdorfstrasse – sottopassaggio
DELFI_2095_ConnectionFunction_EN Designation of the access function in English. access Burgdorfstrasse – underpass
osmRefOfPlatform reference of the platform (track, retaining edge, etc.).

The link to the corresponding object on the OpenStreetMap can be derived from this.

listOfPlatformNumbers List of the numbers of the platforms concerned. 1, 2
listOfPlatformSloids List of Swiss Location IDs (SLOID) of the relevant platforms. ch:1:sloid:3090:0:732675, ch:1:sloid:3090:0:524412
hasAlternativeWheelchairAccess Information on whether an alternative is available. true
typeOfAlternativeAccess Type of alternative. ramp
osmRefOfAlternativeAccess reference of the alternative.

The link to the corresponding object on the OpenStreetMap can be derived from this.

alternativeAccessWgs84East WGS 84 East of the alternative.

East coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95.

alternativeAccessWgs84North WGS 84 North of the alternative.

North coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95.

sloidOfConnectedStopPlace List of Swiss Location IDs (SLOID) from associated service centres. ch:1:sloid:75112
facilityNumber Number of the object.

Is usually physically attached to the object.


* See Cookbook Business Organisations for more information.