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Park & Rail (parking at the railway station)

Park & Rail data visualized @

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Change Log

2025-02-01 From now on, the information for a further 87 car parks will be provided by new providers, including FdP (Fondation des Parkings), MBC, MGB, RhB and tpf. There are currently 647 locations in total.

2023-05-16 The provider (SBB PRail) has changed the property “additionalInformationForCustomers” from a single value (text) to an object with the texts in four languages, {“de”: “…”, “en”: “…”, “fr”: “…”, “it”: “…”}

2023-05-11 As of now, the data feed is no longer a separate file per day, but rather a single file “parking-facilities.json” which is updated daily.

2022-04-22 Start of this service.


The data feed consists of a file of about 1200 kB in size, which is retrieved daily from an SBB database (PRail). The feed contains the data of 500+ car parks with name, number of places, geo-coordinates, etc. of the following operators:

  • AVA: Aargau Verkehr AG
  • BLS AG
  • RBS: Regionalbahn Bern-Solothurn
  • SBB: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG (Swiss Federal Railways)
  • SOB: Südostbahn
  • zb: Zentralbahn

Data Format

The files are UTF-8 encoded JSON files based on the GeoJSON standard (see

The data structure is a GeoJSON “FeatureCollection”, which contains a list (array [ ]) with “features” (the parkings).

Each feature (parking facility) mainly contains these fields:

  • “id”: a technical id
  • “geometry” a GeoJSON data structure for a point with the WGS 84 coordinates.
  • “properties”: other properties, including:
    • “displayName”: the name of the parking.
    • “operator”: the operator
    • “bookingSystem”: information about the system for booking
    • “address”: street, address, zip code, town
    • “capacites”: information about the type and number of parking places.

The exact structure can be derived from this example or directly from the data feed.

  "features": [
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "bookingSystem": {
        "address": {
          "addressLine""Bahnhofstrasse 1",
        "capacities": [