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NeTEx – On Demand Transport

We provide a separate NeTEx file as a dataset for on-demand transport (ODV).

Data consumers

Technical description

NeTEx itself is discussed on the NeTEx page.

The On-Demand SKI+ technical concept can be found on ö under SKI+ standards (German only).

Technical aspects

We are based on VDV 462: Europäische Norm: NeTEx | VDV – Die Verkehrsunternehmen

Details can be found in the On-Demand SKI+ technical concept at ö (German only).

The data set (brief explanation)

Contains all offers from all providers.

CompositeFrame – with:

  • Validity of all data (ValidBetween)
  • Further information
    • Resources (ResourceFrame)
      • Value types (typesOfValue)
      • Vehicle types (vehicleTypes)
    • Places (SiteFrame)
      • (topographicPlaces)
      • (stopPlaces)
      • (flexibleStopPlaces)
    • Services or offers (ServiceFrame)
      • including validities (vailidtyConditions), lines (lines)
      • For FlexibleLineType we have
        • flexibleAreasOnly

           relations with address based services


           relations with address and stop based services


           relations with stop based services

    • Service period (ServiceCalendarFrame)
    • Operating times (TimetableFrame)
    • Costs (FareFrame)

Data providers (on-demand providers)

You are welcome to contact us by e-mail and we will guide you through the registration process.

In general, recording currently follows a manual process:

  • Contact us.
  • You will receive an Excel file that represents the data structure we can map.
  • We help you to fill out the file + provide your operating areas as e.g. geoJSON.
  • The data is transferred internally to our systems and is available online max. 1 week after collection.