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The term “stop” is used in different ways. In relation to, it is understood to mean the place where passengers can officially board public transport.

Technical description

According to the above definition, “stop” is the umbrella term used for all means of transport used in public transport. Therefore, it also includes, for instance, railway stations, boat jetties or cableway stations. The origin of every stop in Switzerland features in the application DiDok (DienststellenDokumentation). This ensures that they are identified uniquely and that they have a unique name and that this name complies with the Ordinance on Geographical Names (valid only since it came into force).


A stop is generally split into smaller sections, e.g. boarding areas, sectors or platforms. It can be combined with other stops, also at a higher level, to form, for instance, metastations or mobility points. This type of structure is currently being discussed nationally, with the aim of achieving an agreed model for public transport in Switzerland. The aim is to have a unique ID for every object.


Official name and uses

Every stop has an official name. This features in DiDok. In the station list, the first part of the name is the official name in most cases. There are also exceptions.

Example: Wil

The following appears in the data:


The official name is displayed at the Station.




Online timetable:


The reason for this is that there are two names (BEZEICHNUNG_35 and Address)

The differences can be seen e.g. in the following cases:

Land    Bez_35                                    Address

85        Oberkirch                                 Oberkirch LU                 

85        Schwanden                              Schwanden GL                 

85        Mannenbach                            Mannenbach URh                

85        Reichenau                                Reichenau URh                

85        Saas                                        Saas im Prättigau            

85        Langnau                                   Langnau i.E.                 

85        Wabern                                    Wabern GB                    

85        Bellevue                                  Bellevue NE                  

85        Benken                                    Benken SG                    

85        Wil                                           Wil SG                        

85        Wohlen                                    Wohlen AG