General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a digital exchange format developed by Google for timetables used for public passenger transport services and relevant geographical information, such as locations of stops. Data is supplied by transport companies and published as an accumulated database in GTFS format on the Open Data Platform Swiss Public Transport. The data is used to develop applications relating to public transport, such as timetable queries.
Unlike GTFS Realtime (GTFS RT), GTFS Static, as the name suggests, only provides static data and no real-time data.
This static file is first used to present a country’s entire public transport operation in a single feed.
Technical description
GTFS Static is provided in ZIP format using a series of text files. Each file provides information about a particular aspect of the transit information, for instance, stops (stops.txt), routes (routes.txt), journeys (trips.txt), transport companies (agency.txt) and other timetable-related data. Some information is required to provide valid GTFS data, while other information is optional and provides useful additional information (e.g. changes to the timetable on specific public holidays = calendar_dates.txt).
The diagram below illustrates how the different types of information interact, showing that, at present, not all information has been recorded for public transport in Switzerland and is available in GTFS Format.
GTFS Static classes
Access the relevant dataset at:
Key concepts
- GTFS Realtime Publication of static transit information in GTFS format.
- GTFS Realtime: Publication of real-time information to enhance the static GTFS Data, in the form of protocol buffers.
Technical aspects
Data structure
Each file comprises comma-separated rows of texts and numbers, which combine to provide the information being sought. A comprehensive description is provided of the individual fields in the various files on the following website:
The following files are currently provided for the GTFS export for public transport in Switzerland:
- agency.txt.
- calendar.txt.
- calendar_dates.txt
- feed_info.txt
- routes.txt
- stop_times.txt
- stops.txt
- transfers.txt being (being drafted)
- trips.txt
The following are not available: fare_attributes.txt, fare_rules.txt, feed_info.txt and frequencies.txt
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agency_id,agency_name,agency_url,agency_timezone,agency_lang,agency_phone "11","Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "801","PostAuto Schweiz","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "840","Busbetrieb Aarau","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "31","BDWM Transport (bd)","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "899","BDWM Transport (wm Auto)","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "886","Regionale Verkehrsbetriebe Baden-Wettingen","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 " "839","Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe","","Europe/Berlin","DE","0900 300 300 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,start_date,end_date "TA+b000b","1","1","1","1","1","0","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0001","1","1","1","1","1","1","1","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0016","0","0","0","0","1","1","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0dmg","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","20161211","20171209" "TA+b12cr","1","1","1","1","0","0","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0008","1","1","1","1","1","0","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0027","1","1","1","1","1","1","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0dnc","0","0","0","0","0","1","1","20161211","20171209" "TA+b001r","1","1","1","1","1","0","1","20161211","20171209" "TA+b001j","0","0","0","0","0","1","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b001t","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","20161211","20171209" "TA+b04oi","1","1","1","1","1","0","0","20161211","20171209" "TA+b0ch2","0","0","0","1","0","0","0","20161211","20171209 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
service_id,date,exception_type "TA+b0003","20161226","2" "TA+b0003","20170102","2" "TA+b0003","20170414","2" "TA+b0003","20170417","2" "TA+b0003","20170501","2" "TA+b0003","20170525","2" "TA+b0003","20170605","2" "TA+b0003","20170801","2" "TA+b0007","20161226","2" "TA+b0007","20170102","2" "TA+b0007","20170414","2 |
1 2 |
feed_publisher_name,feed_publisher_url,feed_lang,feed_start_date,feed_end_date,feed_version "SBB","","DE","20161211","20171209","20170518 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_desc,route_type "91-10-A-j22-1","37","10","","T","900" "91-10-B-j22-1","78","S10","","S","109" "91-10-C-j22-1","11","S10","","S","109" "91-10-E-j22-1","65","S10","","S","109" "91-10-F-j22-1","11","RE10","","RE","106" "91-10-G-j22-1","11","SN10","","SN","109" "91-10-j22-1","3849","10","","T","900" "91-10-Y-j22-1","82","IR","","IR","103"3 |
Please note:
- Some routes in GTFS have an extension “-Y”. The reason for this is that they have a line number which has been created artificially. This is the only way that “route_short_name” can be valid. These artificial lines should therefore not be shown to users. In the case of trains, “trip_short_name” will include the train number.
The means of transport texts which are used (the variable route_desc contains informationen of the column “Abbreviation”):
Abbreviation | DE | FR | IT | EN | route_type |
ASC | Aufzug | Ascenseur | Ascensore | Lift / Elevator | 1303 |
B | Bus | Autobus | Autobus | Bus | 700 |
BN | Nachtbus | Bus de nuit | Autobus notturno | Night Bus | 705 |
BP | PanoramaBus | Bus panoramique | PanoramaBus | Panorama Bus | 710 |
BUS | Bus | Autobus | Autobus | Bus | 700 |
CAR | Fernbus national | Bus longue distance national | Autobus nazionale a lunga percorrenza | National long-distance bus | 202 |
CAX | Fernbus international | Bus grandes lignes international | Autobus a lunga percorrenza internazionale | International long-distance bus | 201 |
EB | Eilbus | Bus express | Autobus espresso | Semi fast bus | 702 |
EXB | Expressbus | Expressbus | Expressbus | Express bus | 702 |
ICB | InterCity-Bus | Bus InterCity | Autobus InterCity | InterCity Bus | 202 |
KB | Kleinbus | Minibus | Furgoncino | Minibus | 700 |
NB | Nacht-Bus | Bus de nuit | Bus notturno | Night Bus | 705 |
NFB | Niederflur-Bus | Bus à plancher surbaissé | Bus a pianale ribassato | Low-floor bus | 700 |
NFO | Niederflur-Trolleybus | Trolleybus à plancher surbaissé | Filobus a pianale ribassato | Low-floor trolley bus | 700 |
RUB | Rufbus | Bus sur appel | Bus a chiamata | On-demand Bus | 715 |
TX | Taxi | Taxi | Tassì | Taxi | 1500 |
SL | Sesselbahn | Télésiège | Seggiovia | Chairlift | 1300 |
CC | Zahnradbahn | Chemin de fer à crémaillère | Ferrovia a cremagliera | Rack-railroad / Cog Railway | 1400 |
GB | Gondelbahn | Télécabine | Ovovia | Gondola lift | 1300 |
LB | Luftseilbahn | Téléphérique | Funivia | Cableway / Aerial Ropeway | 1300 |
PB | Pendelbahn | Téléphérique à mouvement de va-et-vient | Funivia a movimento va e vieni | Aerial Tramway | 1300 |
M | Metro | Métro | Metropolitana | Underground / Metro | 401 |
FUN | Standseilbahn | Funiculaire | Funicolare | Funicular | 1400 |
BAT | Schiff | Bateau | Battello | Ship / Boat | 1000 |
BAV | Dampfschiff | Bateau à vapeur | Battello a vapore | Steam ship / boat | 1000 |
FAE | Fähre | Traversier / Ferry | Nave traghetto | Ferry | 1000 |
KAT | Katamaran | Catamaran | Catamarano | Katamaran | 1000 |
NFT | Niederflur-Tram | Tram à plancher surbaissé | Tram a pianale ribassato | Low-floor Tramway | 900 |
T | Tram | Tram | Tram | Tram | 900 |
TN | Nachttram | Tram de nuit | Tram notturno | Night Tram | 900 |
AIR | Flugzeug | Avion | Velivolo | Airplane | 1100 |
UUU | Unbekannte Art | Espèce inconnue | Specie sconosciuta | Unknown mode | 1700 |
AG | Agenturzug | Train de l’agence | Treno d’agenzia | Agency Train | 117 |
ARC | Arco | ARCO | ARCO | Arco | 102 |
ARZ | Autoreisezug | Train d’autos accompagnées | Treno auto accompagnate | Car-carrying Train | 104 |
AT | Autotunnelzug | Train-autos Tunnel | Treno per il trasporto di auto in galleria | Auto Tunnel Train | 104 |
ATR | Altaria | Altaria | Altaria | Altaria | 102 |
ATZ | Autotunnelzug | Train-autos Tunnel | Treno per il trasporto di auto in galleria | Auto Tunnel Train | 104 |
AVE | Alta Velocidad ES | Alta Velocidad ES | Alta Velocidad ES | Alta Velocidad ES | 101 |
BEX | Bernina Express | Bernina Express | Bernina Express | Bernina Express | 107 |
CAT | City Airport Train | City Airport Train | Treno città-aeroporto | City Airport Train | 111 |
CNL | CityNightLine | CityNightLine | CityNightLine | CityNightLine | 105 |
D | Schnellzug | Train Express | Treno espresso | Fast Train | 103 |
E | Eilzug | Train accéléré | Treno espresso | Semi fast / non-stop Train | 103 |
EC | EuroCity | EuroCity | EuroCity | EuroCity | 102 |
EM | Euromed | Euromed | Euromed | Euromed | 102 |
EN | EuroNight | EuroNight | EuroNight | EuroNight | 105 |
ES | Eurostar Italia | Eurostar Italia | Eurostar Italia | Eurostar Italia | 101 |
EST | Eurostar | Eurostar | Eurostar | Eurostar | 101 |
EXT | Extrazug | Train spécial | Treno speciale | Special Event Train | 117 |
GEX | Glacier Express | Glacier Express | Glacier Express | Glacier Express | 107 |
IC | InterCity | InterCity | InterCity | InterCity | 102 |
ICE | InterCityExpress | InterCity-Express | InterCityExpress | InterCityExpress | 102 |
ICN | IC-Neigezug | Train pendulaire IC | Treno basculante IC | IC Tilting Train | 102 |
IN | InterCityNacht | Nuit InterCity | InterCityNight | InterCityNight | 102 |
IR | InterRegio | InterRegio | InterRegio | InterRegio | 103 |
IRE | Interregio-Express | InterregioExpress | Interregio-Express | Interregio-Express | 103 |
IT | Italo | Italo | Italo | Italo | 102 |
JAT | Gefängniszug | Train-prison | Treno della prigione | Jail / Prison Train | 111 |
MAT | LeermaterialZug (Reisezugswagen) | Train de matériel vide (voiture de voyageurs) | Treno vuoto (carrozze passeggeri) | Empty material train (passenger carriage) | 111 |
MP | LeermaterialZug Personenbeförd | Train de matériel vide Transport de personnes | Treno materiale vuoto Trasporto passeggeri | Empty material train with passenger transport | 111 |
NJ | NightJet | NightJet | Nightjet | NightJet | 105 |
NZ | Nacht-Zug | Train de nuit | Treno notturno | Night Train | 105 |
P | Zug ohne Gewähr | Train non garanti | Treno senza garanzia | Train without Guarantee | 100 |
PE | PanoramaExpress | PanoramaExpress | PanoramaExpress | PanoramaExpress | 107 |
R | Regio | Train régional | Regio | Regio | 106 |
RB | Regionalbahn | Réseau régional | Ferrovia regionale | Regional train | 106 |
RE | RegioExpress | RegioExpress | RegioExpress | RegioExpress | 106 |
RJ | Railjet | Railjet | Railjet | Railjet | 102 |
RJX | railjet xpress | Railjet Xpress | Railjet Xpress | Railjet Xpress | 102 |
S | S-Bahn | RER | Rete celere regionale | Urban Train | 109 |
SN | Nacht-S-Bahn | RER de nuit | S-Bahn (rete celere regionale) notturna | Night-urban Train | 109 |
STB | Stadtbahn | Chemin de fer urbain | Ferrovia urbana | City Railway | 109 |
TAL | Talgo | Talgo | Talgo | Talgo | 101 |
TER | Train Express Regional | Train Express régional | Treno espresso regionale | Train Express Regional | 106 |
TE2 | TER200 | TER 200 | TER200 | TER200 | 106 |
TGV | Train à grande vitesse | Train à grande vitesse | Train à grande vitesse | Train à grande vitesse | 101 |
THA | Thalys | Thalys | Thalys | Thalys | 101 |
TLK | Twoje Linie Kolejowe | Deuxième Ligne Kolejowe | Linea Twoje Kolejowe | Twoje Line Kolejowe | 102 |
UEX | UrlaubsExpress | UrlaubsExpress | HolidayExpress | UrlaubsExpress (Holiday) | 104 |
VAE | Voralpen-Express | Voralpen-Express | Voralpen-Express | Voralpen-Express | 103 |
WB | Westbahn | Westbahn | Westbahn | Westbahn | 100 |
X | InterConnex | InterConnex | InterConnex | InterConnex | 100 |
X2 | X2000 Neigezug | X2000 Train pendulaire | Treno inclinabile X2000 | X2000 Tilting Train | 100 |
ZUG | Zugskategorie unbekannt | Catégorie de train inconnue | Categoria del treno sconosciuta | Train Category Unknown | 100 |
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trip_id,arrival_time,departure_time,stop_id,stop_sequence,pickup_type,drop_off_type "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:25:00","05:25:00","8502034:0:2","1","0","0" "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:28:00","05:29:00","8502033:0:2","2","0","0" "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:33:00","05:33:00","8502032:0:1","3","0","0" "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:36:00","05:36:00","8502031:0:1","4","0","0" "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:42:00","05:42:00","8502030:0:2","5","0","0" "1.TA.1-9-j17-1.1.H","05:50:00","05:50:00","8502119:0:7","6","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","05:53:00","05:53:00","8502034:0:1","1","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","05:57:00","05:58:00","8502033:0:2","2","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","06:02:00","06:02:00","8502032:0:1","3","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","06:04:00","06:04:00","8502031:0:1","4","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","06:09:00","06:11:00","8502030:0:2","5","0","0" "2.TA.1-9-j17-1.2.H","06:20:00","06:20:00","8502119:0:7","6","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","24:38:00","24:38:00","8502119:0:7","1","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","24:46:00","24:46:00","8502030:0:1","2","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","24:49:00","24:49:00","8502031:0:1","3","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","24:52:00","24:52:00","8502032:0:1","4","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","24:57:00","24:57:00","8502033:0:1","5","0","0" "3.TA.1-9-j17-1.3.H","25:01:00","25:01:00","8502034:0:1","6","0","0 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station "1101064","Malpensa Aeroporto, terminal 1","45.6272144319203","8.7111160249179","","" "8000339","Weissenhorn Eschach","48.3010036099201","10.135089480891","","" "8000709:0:2","Neckarsulm Mitte","49.1934688770383","9.22294014126908","","" "8000778","Asselheim (D)","49.5762169849528","8.16159859923981","","" "8000781","Grünstadt-Nord","49.5733510011593","8.17078836459763","","" "8000988","Witzighausen","48.3174402469306","10.097800413442","","" "8002015","Nördlingen","48.85084676195","10.4978651252803","","8002015P" "8002015:0:4","Nördlingen","48.85090587299","10.4978651252803","","8002015P" "8002015P","Nördlingen","48.85084676195","10.4978651252803","1","" "8002023","Ebermergen","48.7562093140126","10.7109634770088","","" "8002023:0:1","Ebermergen","48.7562685367003","10.7109634770088","","" "8002038","Möttingen","48.8068073922247","10.5978386332639","","8002038P" "8002038:0:1","Möttingen","48.8069257181851","10.5978386332639","","8002038P" "8002038:0:2","Möttingen","48.8068665552398","10.5978386332639","","8002038P" "8002038P","Möttingen","48.8068073922247","10.5978386332639","1","" "8002039","Hoppingen","48.8038195691943","10.6532018042319",""," |
The platforms must be modelled in GTFS as individual stops. Replacing the platform is then the same as replacing the stop from a GTFS perspective.
Example using “8500010” (Basel SBB):
All the stops in Basel have a common “parent” “8500010P”. The individual platforms are separated by “:”. A “platform” can also be a platform+sectors (e.g. “8500010:0:7CD”). There are also very strange additions, such as “Bern Bfpl”, giving “8507000:0:Bfpl” if the RBS uses it for rail replacement buses.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
route_id,service_id,trip_id,trip_headsign,trip_short_name,direction_id,block_id,original_trip_id,hints "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+a0","994.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","6278","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:f7e839d9-e352-4394-98d3-3bbb9e89c18e","NF" "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+a0","995.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","2978","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:1a4cadd1-b637-425e-a805-0dd1e5e34831","NF" "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+a0","996.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","2787","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:649d9606-64db-4daa-9356-770b19699be8","NF" "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+a0","997.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","4879","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:7a49feb0-47b5-4fd7-9034-ce68f65225d3","NF" "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+2d600","998.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","10407","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:95e7bbc4-c839-4932-8ee3-e82e0c355fc5","NF" "91-8-H-j25-1","TA+2d600","999.TA.91-8-H-j25-1.59.R","Zürich, Hardturm","9788","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100648:plan:c35e7a02-b42d-49db-8763-4bdcd39a6282","NF" "91-8I-Y-j25-1","TA+3c100","1.TA.91-8I-Y-j25-1.1.H","Arth-Goldau","3092","0","","ch:1:sjyid:100001:3092-001","1 FS FW PA RR SC VN Z TC-004002" "91-8I-Y-j25-1","TA+3c100","2.TA.91-8I-Y-j25-1.2.R","Lugano","3093","1","","ch:1:sjyid:100001:3093-001","1 FS FW PA RR SC VN Z TC-004002" "91-8-j25-1","TA+c6","1.TA.91-8-j25-1.12.H","Bern, Saali","2076","0","","","NF VB" |
Please note:
- In the case of trains, “trip_short_name” will include the train number.
- A “trip” according to GTFS represents in Transmodel the concept of a “DatedVehicleJourney” (in OJP a “DatedJourney”). In Transmodel and OJP a TRIP is a journey of the customer as returned by the Trip Planner. It consists of different partial journeys, interchanges and other paths to be covered with different modes. In HRDF the GTFS ‘trip’ corresponds to the journey and in NeTEx to the ServiceJourney.
- (from 12.12.2024) We use the original_trip_id as defined for GTFS Transit ( The field contains the Swiss Journey ID (SJYID), which establishes an N:1 relationship between trip_id and SJYID. The SJYID is only unique on a daily basis. It is also shown in the GTFS-RT.
- The “hints” field contains the traffic information in accordance with the industry standard passenger information. The tariff codes are also included as TC-<code>.
The metastations will soon be presented in transfers.txt.
Consistency in terms of identifying between versions of the static file
The GTFS Static is recreated every week. This means that the “service_id” and the “trip_id” may not be identical.
When are there new GTFS Static files?
The new HRDF (basis for GTFS-S) is published on Wednesdays and Fridays, the GTFS static based on it is published the following day between 9 and 10 am.
The corresponding GTFS-RT feed is activated on the same day at 3 pm. (Since 2024-09-26, the appropriate GTFS static version is referenced in the header via FeedVersion, see GTFS-RT documentation)
publication HRDF | publication GTFS-S | activation GTFS-RT |
Friday | Monday between 9 and 10 am | Monday 3 pm |
Wednesday | Thursday between 9 and 10 am | Thursday 3 pm |
In case of problems: The GTFS Static export will be published as soon as possible, GTFS Realtime approx. 5-6 hours later, but no later than 18:00 on the same day. If this is not possible, the new data will be activated in GTFS-RT on the following day.
Example: The new GTFS static data could only be published this afternoon. The GTFS Realtime data will be activated tomorrow at approx. 08:00.
Internal consistency of a GTFS Static file
We make every effort to produce correct GTFS Static files. Google suggests testing the internal consistency using the FeedValidator. Unfortunately, the current version is unable to cope with the size of our file. Another tool that can be used is gtfstidy, which includes among its functions the option to carry out validation using the parameter “-v”
Questions & answers
What do the first and last two sections of the trip_id mean? E.g. {405}.TA.26-752-j17-1.{3}.{R} | The trip_id consists of the following parts: “<consecutive number in trips.txt>.<service_id>.<route_id>.<DIVA route number>.<DIVA direction of travel>”
route_id = <DIVA branch of operation>-<DIVA line number>-<DIVA project abbreviation>-<DIVA line version number> |
What is the Trip ID made up of? | The trip ID is made up of different DIVA numbers/fields and has nothing to do with the HRDF data.
The assignment is not quite 1:1, as the journey ID (= journey number) does not have to be unique within an HRDF data set, but with the help of stops and stop times, as the data user has done, the matching journey can be found as follows:: The trips.txt contains the trip_short_name: route_id,service_id,trip_id,trip_headsign,trip_short_name,direction_id “26-94-j18-1″,”TA+b20xg”,”310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”Zürich Oerlikon, Bahnhof”,”13628“,”1”
This corresponds to the journey number (external train number) in the *Z line of the FPLAN file: As the journey number does not have to be unique within an HRDF feed, the stop times and stop_ids of the journey from the stop_times.txt should also be used for assignment:
trip_id,arrival_time,departure_time,stop_id,stop_sequence,pickup_type,drop_off_type “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:37:00″,”13:37:00″,”8587651″,”1″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:38:00″,”13:38:00″,”8587652″,”2″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:39:00″,”13:39:00″,”8591263″,”3″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:41:00″,”13:41:00″,”8591347″,”4″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:42:00″,”13:42:00″,”8591047″,”5″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:43:00″,”13:43:00″,”8591113″,”6″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:44:00″,”13:44:00″,”8591330″,”7″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:45:00″,”13:45:00″,”8591319″,”8″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:46:00″,”13:46:00″,”8591175″,”9″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:46:00″,”13:46:00″,”8591273″,”10″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:48:00″,”13:48:00″,”8591382″,”11″,”0″,”0″ “310.TA.26-94-j18-1.3.R”,”13:49:00″,“13:49:00″,”8580449”,”12″,”0″,”0″ The HRDF feed two days later (e.g. 05/02/2018) always matches the GTFS feed (e.g. 07/02/2018): |
Further information
- Further information on GTFS Static can be found on the GTFS developer page of Google:
- Online Meetup on 13 November 2023: How GTFS data feeds contribute to the sustainable improvement of public transport