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Dataset description “Traffic Points”

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Field name Export Title Description  Example values
sloid Swiss Location ID (SLOID) Unique key for stop area and stop places in accordance with the Swiss ID for Public Transport specification, which is used in the customer information system. ch:1:sloid:8795:1:2
numberShort Number of the associated stop Part of the unique key of service points.

Numeric, 5-digit

uicCountryCode Country code of the associated stop Part of the unique key for service points.

Specifies which country issued the location number and is to be interpreted in terms of organisations, not territories.

Numeric, 2-digit

number DiDok code of the associated stop Combination of country code and number. Unique identification of a service point (stop). 8508795
checkDigit Check digit of the associated stop Calculated value which is formed from the number Short. Primarily required for railway and freight transport.

Numeric, 1-digit

validFrom Valid from “Valid from” of the traffic point version 29.07.2022
validTo Valid until “Valid until” of the traffic point version 31.12.2099
designation Designation Customers Designation used in the customer information provided to customers.
designationOperational Designation Operational Designation used in the internal timetable planning of transport companies.
length Boarding area length Boarding area length in metres. 17
boardingAreaHeight Boarding area height Height of the retaining edge in centimetres. 22
compassDirection Compass direction Direction of travel from which the means of transport approaches the boarding area. 182
parentSloid Swiss Location ID (SLOID) of the superordinate area Allows the assignment of stop area or stop places to a stop.
trafficPointElementType Traffic point type Indicates whether it is an stop area or a stop place. BOARDING_AREA
lv95East LV95 East East coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95. 2599488
lv95North LV95 North North coordinate in the Swiss coordinate system LV95. 1250319
wgs84East WGS 84 East East coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system (longitude). 7.431841427
wgs84North WGS 84 North North coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system (latitude). 47.40368793
height Height Altitude above sea level 516
creationDate Creation Date Indicates when the version was created. 09.11.2017 11:53
editionDate Processing date Indicates when the version was edited. 29.07.2022 09:32
parentSloidServicePoint Swiss Location ID (SLOID) of the higher-level stop Unique key for stop area and stop places in accordance with the Swiss ID for Public Transport specification, which is used in the customer information system. ch:1:sloid:8795
designationOfficial Official designation Official designation of a service point that must be used by all recipients.

Maximum length 30 characters.Unique within validity period of each country.

Hasliberg Wasserwendi, village
servicePointBusinessOrganisation ID of the business organisation (SBOID) A company that manages the data of a service point.

Identification is based on the Swiss Business Organisation ID (SBOID). The other information is attributive.

servicePointBusinessOrganisationNumber Number of the business organisation 801
servicePointBusinessOrganisationAbbreviationDe German abbreviation for the business organisation. PostBus
servicePointBusinessOrganisationAbbreviationFr French abbreviation for business organisation. PostBus
servicePointBusinessOrganisationAbbreviationIt Italian abbreviation for business organisation. PostBus
servicePointBusinessOrganisationAbbreviationEn English Abbreviation of the business organisation. PostBus
servicePointBusinessOrganisationDescriptionDe German designation of the business organisation. PostBus Ltd
servicePointBusinessOrganisationDescriptionFr French name of the business organisation. CarPostal SA
servicePointBusinessOrganisationDescriptionIt Italian name for the business organisation. AutoPostale SA
servicePointBusinessOrganisationDescriptionEn English Name of the business organisation. PostBus Ltd