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Glossary Stop Points / Location Codes

Stops are a subset of services. If, for example, all stops are required, the export field “IS_HALTESTELLE” must be used.

Tip: You can use the browser’s search function (Ctrl+F) to search for an export field name.

Designation Export field name Description Remarks/example
UIC country code LAENDERCODE Specifies which country issued the location number and is to be interpreted in terms of organisations, not territories.

Is part of the unique code for locations.

Two-digit numeric code.

E.g. 85 = Switzerland
80 = Germany
Location ID NUMMER Number of a location assigned for Switzerland by DiDok. It is part of the unique code for locations.

Numeric, in the range 1–99,999.


85 12345-6

Check digit PRUEFZIFFER Calculated value which is derived from the location ID. Single digit, numeric, in the range 1–9 In the past, the code number was used to check for any number changes in the location ID. This is no longer absolutely necessary nowadays, however there are systems which require this number.
BP UIC BPUIC Identification in accordance with the specifications of the International Union of Railways (UIC) for international data exchange. Combination of country code and location ID
Swiss Location ID SLOID Unique code for locations that is used in customer information. e.g. ch:1:sloid:12345

By means of this ID, the connection between stops and bus / station stop area or boarding area can be established.

The structure is described in the “Swiss Location ID” specification, chapter 4.2. The document is available here.

Official designation BEZEICHNUNG_OFFIZIELL Official designation of a location that must be used by all recipients.

Maximum length 30 characters.

Unique within validity period of each country.
Long designation BEZEICHNUNG_LANG Long designation of a location

Maximum length 50 characters.

Used primarily in customer information. Not all systems can process names of this length.
Abbreviation ABKUERZUNG Location abbreviation. Mainly used by the railways.

Maximum length is 6 characters, AN (alphanumeric).

Abbreviations may not be used as a code for identifying locations.
Status STATUS Automatically calculated status of a location. During export, only the number in brackets is published. To be requested (0)
Stop must be applied for at FOT
Requested (1)
Stop applied for at FOT
Planned (2)
Location / stop approved but not yet valid
In operation (3)
Location / stop in operation
Terminated (4)
The cancellation date (valid until) has been registered
In post-operational phase (5)
Up to 6 months after “valid until”
Historical (6)
Location / stop has been out of service for more than 6 months
Operating control point IS_BETRIEBSPUNKT All locations which have an operating control point.

Possible values 1 = yes / 0 = no

Automatically assigned by the system using the DiDok category tree.
Operating control point with timetable IS_FAHRPLAN Location is an operating control point with a timetable.

Possible values 1 = yes / 0 = no

Automatically assigned by the system using the DiDok category tree.
Stop IS_HALTESTELLE Location is open for passenger services.

Possible values 1 = yes / 0 = no

For the opening of stops, a consultation for the stop name must take place at FOT.
Use point IS_BEDIENPUNKT Location is open for freight services.

Possible values 1 = yes / 0 = no

Traffic point IS_VERKEHRSPUNKT Indicates whether the location is open for passenger or freight services.

Possible values 1 = yes / 0 = no

Virtual location IS_VIRTUELL Indicates that no geographical location information has been recorded for this location. E.g. webshops
Locality ORTSCHAFTSNAME Locality in which the location is situated. Automatically calculated based on Swisstopo data coordinates.
Municipality name GEMEINDENAME The municipality in which the location is situated.
FSO municipality number BFS_NUMMER FSO number of the municipality in which the location is situated.
District name BEZIRKSNAME Name of the district in which the location is situated.
District number BEZIRKSNUM FSO number of the district in which the location is situated.
Canton name KANTONSNAME Name of the canton in which the location is situated.
Canton abbreviation KANTONSKUERZEL Abbreviation for the canton in which the location is situated.
Canton number KANTONSNUM FSO number of the canton in which the location is situated.
Country LAND_ISO2_GEO ISO country code of the country in which the location is situated.
Operating control point type German BP_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_DE Designation of the standardisation of an operating control point. e.g. inventory point, operating point networks, system operating control point
Operating control point type French BP_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_FR
Operating control point type Italian BP_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_IT
Operating control point type English BP_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_EN
Operating control point type ID BP_BETRIEBSPUNKT_ART_ID ID for standardisation of an operating control point. e.g. 30, 31,40
Operating control point without timetable German BPOF_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_DE Designation of the standardisation of an operating control point without a timetable. e.g. change in line speed
Operating control point without timetable French BPOF_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_FR
Operating control point without timetable Italian BPOF_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_IT
Operating control point without timetable English BPOF_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_EN
Operating control point without timetable ID BPOF_BETRIEBSPUNKT_ART_ID ID for the standardisation of an operating control point without a timetable. e.g. 10
Technical timetable point
BPTF_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_DE Designation of the standardisation of a technical timetable point/pure operating control point. Description (only available in German, French or Italian)
Technical timetable point
Technical timetable point
Technical timetable point
Technical timetable point
BPTF_BETRIEBSPUNKT_ART_ID ID for the standardisation of a technical timetable point/pure operating control point. e.g. 3,8,35
Point of sale German BPVB_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_DE Designation of the standardisation of a point of sale. e.g. tariff station
Point of sale French BPVB_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_FR
Point of sale Italian BPVB_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_IT
Point of sale English BPVB_ART_BEZEICHNUNG_EN
Point of sale ID BPVB_BETRIEBSPUNKT_ART_ID ID for standardisation of a point of sale. e.g. 50
Alternative designation BPVH_BEZEICHNUNG_ALT Alternative designation for the stop. Only if available
EPR code BPVH_EPR_CODE Electronic seat reservation system (EPR) code. Only if available
IATA code BPVH_IATA_CODE IATA code of a location. Only if available
LV95 E E_LV95 East coordinate according to the Swiss coordinate system LV95. e.g. 2’600’000
LV95 N N_LV95 North coordinate according to the Swiss coordinate system LV95. e.g. 1’200’000
LV95 Z Z_LV95 Height in metres 355
LV03 E E_LV03 Y coordinate according to the Swiss coordinate system LV03. Also known as Y coordinate

e.g. 600’000

LV03 N N_LV03 North coordinate according to the Swiss coordinate system LV03. Also known as X coordinates

e.g. 200’000

LV03 Z Z_LV03 Height in metres 355
WGS84 E E_WGS84 Length according to WGS84 e.g. 7.439119441
WGS84 N N_WGS84 Width according to WGS84 e.g. 46.948819994
WGS84 Z Z_WGS84 Height in metres 355
Abbreviation for mode of transport BPVH_VERKEHRSMITTEL Abbreviation for the mode of transport for which the stop is designed. e.g. B = bus; Z = train

Multiple means of transport are displayed separated by a ~


Mode of transport German BPVH_VERKEHRSMITTEL_TEXT_DE Name of the mode of transport for which the stop is designed. Multiple means of transport are displayed separated by a ~


Mode of transport French BPVH_VERKEHRSMITTEL_TEXT_FR
Mode of transport Italian BPVH_VERKEHRSMITTEL_TEXT_IT
Mode of transport English BPVH_VERKEHRSMITTEL_TEXT_EN
Swiss Administration ID IDENTIFIKATION oder
Swiss Administration ID (SAID), part of other future Swiss IDs for business organisation identification. Numeric value, maximum 32 digits
GO number GO_NUMMER Business organisation number (GO). Specifies which business organisation is responsible for the location (stop) in question. The current daily data status (designation, name) of the business organisation derived from DiDok is displayed.
GO abbreviation German GO_ABKUERZUNG_DE Abbreviation for the business organisation responsible.
GO abbreviation French GO_ABKUERZUNG_FR
GO abbreviation Italian GO_ABKUERZUNG_IT
GO abbreviation English GO_ABKUERZUNG_EN
GO designation GO_BEZEICHNUNG_DE Name of the business organisation responsible.
GO designation French GO_BEZEICHNUNG_FR
GO designation Italian GO_BEZEICHNUNG_IT
GO designation English GO_BEZEICHNUNG_EN
FOT comment BAV_BEMERKUNG Field for indications of service
Created on ERSTELLT_AM Creation date of a version
Modified on GEAENDERT_AM Modification date of a version
Valid from version GUELTIG_VON “Valid from” of the location version By using versions, it is possible to track past and future changes in locations.

This information is only available in export “Locations_full.csv”.

Valid until version GUELTIG_BIS “Valid to” of the location version
Valid from location MIN_GUELTIG_VON “Valid from” of the location across all versions
Valid to location MAX_GUELTIG_BIS “Valid to” of the entire location across all versions