From 8 January 2025, we will make the data records available on on a new, cloud-based platform and in a new look.
This has the following consequences for our users:
- The data catalogue pages appear in a new layout and on a new platform with the subdomain
- All permalinks must be adjusted (deadline: 5 March 2025).
1. New platform, new layout
The data catalogue pages appear in a new layout and with a new logo, as the following comparison shows.
Important: From now on, only links to the new platform should be used everywhere.
Bild 1: Vergleich altes CKAN (links) und neues CKAN (rechts) für den Datensatz “Actual Data” (
2. Customisation of the permalinks
All permalinks must be adapted, i.e. the links (URLs) with which the client programmes effectively download our data.
The change here also consists of an additional prefix “data.”. now becomes
Example: “Bicycle parking facilities” data set:
- Old system – do not use any longer:
- Dataset:
- Permalink:
- New system:
Important: This adjustment must be made by 5 March 2025, after which the current system will go out of operation and the old permalinks will no longer work.
Questions, problems?
Please contact us at