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Journey ID (JourneyRef)

Jede Fahrt braucht eine eindeutige Identifikation. In der Schweiz wird an einer solchen Fahrt-ID gearbeitet. In den VDV 431 Schnittstellen übernimmt die JourneyRef diese Rolle.

Technical concept

The journey ID is vital for various Open Services (e.g. TripInfoRequest, Service). The ID identifies a specific journey. It is closely associated with the line ID. The journey ID can be derived from the data in the timetable (HRDF).However, it is not really possible to derive JourneyRef completely directly. But, the VDV 431 service TripInfo does require this ID as input.

Technical implementation


LineRef designates the line in VDV 431 and is primarily made up of an operating branch and line. The direction is added to differentiate between the same lines with different routes. In the case of lines which have the same operating branch and same Line ID, but are different, a further arbitrary line suffix is allocated.


Content Description  Comment
odp Relevant organisation/relevant sector   Is always “odp” for the Open Data Platform
04  Operating branch (2-digit, mostly canton). The operating branch is defined in the Open Data Platform and is not derived in advance from the timetable. List of operating branches
 003  Line (3-digit). This is equivalent to the transport company details and can be established from the timetable.  
  Line suffix (empty in this case) (1-digit)

The suffix is used if several lines have the same number. E.g. 003 from Bernmobil and also from BLS in the Bern operating branch.

E.g. A
H H or R corresponds to the direction (1-digit) H – Hin (outward) , R- Rück (Return)


JourneyRef is the unique journey ID (for the relevant day). It comprises LineRef, the timetable and JourneyID.


Name Description Comment 
odp Always odp  
04003::H LineRef  according to definition above
j16 Timetable (3-digit) comprises the letter “j” and the relevant timetable year (NB: It starts every December)
 17314  JourneyID This JourneyID is assigned by the Open Data Platform and cannot be derived from the timetable data.

How do I get a JourneyRef

The JourneyRef can only be requested via a TripRequest or StopEvent. Data is required to create them directly, which is currently not openly available.

Operating branches

The list of operating branches is enclosed in the Excel file below: List of operating branches